Wow! Another year went by. I have been terrible about blogging this year. It’s the end of 2021 and I always do a year end blog post. If you missed it, check out last year’s post!
2021 has been a decent year for me. Some life changing, some personal insights, and surprising lots of art happened this year. In February, I tested positive for Covid. I did not have a very sever case but it was not fun. It felt like a very bad sinus infection. And while it did not seem too bad, I definitely have some lasting effects. Extreme exhaustion often overtakes me without warning. I’ll be feeling fine and ready to rock, when, WHAM! out of nowhere, I get hit with a wave of tiredness and I instantly become a puddle of goo. These bouts are getting fewer and fewer, so I hope that eventually they will stop entirely.
I did not do much traveling this year. But what I did do was good and well earned. As I mentioned, I had Covid in February, so I decided that, since I had some antibodies, I could do a little travel, so I booked a weekend trip to Orlando to visit Universal Studios and see Harry Potter Wizarding World. Listen to the podcast episodes to find out more about this trip.

In September, I turned 50 and wanted to do something special. I was not very interested in flying anywhere, so I decided to take the train from Cincinnati to Chicago. You can hear about this week long trip to Chicago here.

Did I say that I turned 50 this year? Well, it seems that the day I turned 49, my metabolism said, “Peace, I’m out.”, and I started to slowly gain weight. I am not a vain person, so I was not really worried about some weight gain. But when I went to Orlando, my weight made me feel uncomfortable and I could not enjoy it as much. So, when I got home, I decided to change a few things and lost 35lbs. Now, I feel great, with the exception of those exhaustion bouts.

If you follow the blog, you’ll know that I have been participating in some art challenges. There was the 30 images in 30 days challenge, Seven Day Liquid Challenge, 5 Day Green Challenge, 6 day Blue challenge, 7 day black and white challenge, and the 30 day Red Challenge. Yikes! That’s a lot of challenges. It’s also not all of them! If you want to see all of the challenge pics I created in 2021, click here. But it had me making art every day and that feels good!

What’s Next?
More art, more living, loving, eating, and sleeping. I hope you have peace and joy in 2022!
I must get back to blogging! Great news that you had Covid and survived and that the long term symptoms are going away. I got it as well but in October after I had had my various vaccinations so it was really just a few days of on and off fever and a bit of a loss of smell.
Glad you are doing okay, Steve!
Congratulations on beating Covid, growing antibodies (a lady after my own hart!), losing to a comfortable weight, and looking GREAT! Not to mention taking a well-deserve trip and making beautiful art. BRAVO!
Thank you!
Interesting and well done end of the year blog post Sharon. Congratulations on finishing all of those challenges and more!
Thank you, Kathy!
2021 has certainly been a challenging year, as was 2020. Hopefully we’re moving on to better times in the new year. There are places to visit and photos to be made and our time on this earth is too short as it is.
2022 is a year to remember. Some good and some bad, more bad than I would like, but that is life. We moved from Florida to New Mexico after moving from California to Florida one year before that. All during COVID. I am hoping 2022 will be better, but the start is already making me uncomfortable. I do hope to travel some. Iceland and Europe are heavily on my mind. We’ll see.
I’m hoping to get some travel in too. I miss being able to just go when I want.