I quit my job! That’s right, I decided that I needed to take a break from working. I am fortunate enough to be financially secure without it. I should say that it’s not forever. I am not retired. I am merely taking a break. What do I wish to accomplish? I ask myself that every day. I also ask myself, “What the fuck have you done?!” at least twice a day. It’s scary. But I hope to become a better person by allowing myself this time. I plan to try to spend more time with my family and friends. And they’ll be happy because they won’t have to hear me bitch about work!

I have given myself a year. I have the discipline to keep myself on track. But I have to define my track first! I am honing in on a very specific project that I would like to work on. I am applying for several art grants to pay for this project, so cross your fingers and send good vibes my way!

So far, setting up a routine has been difficult. There have been a few roadblocks and side tracks that have kept me from a set schedule. But I’m hoping that now the holidays are over, I can make a plan and stick with it. Of course, plans often get scrapped and derailed. I hope to be able to roll with whatever comes and not panic too much.

I think some of you might be wondering why I would quit my job without having a replacement or a plan. I was terribly unhappy there. I don’t really blame my ex-employers. I had been fired from my previous job and had the opportunity to collect unemployment for a while and would have been fine for a bit. But, I panicked and took the first job to come my way. Read more about this in Midlife Angst 1 & Midlife Angst 2. My mental health has been suffering and I feel my talents and skills have been waning since they were not being utilized. Depression is a thing, y’all! I have been driving myself and the people who love me crazy for years. Complaining and whining and not allowing myself to move forward.

I finally realized that I have to trust myself to make it work. No-one else is going to do this for me. So, here I am, unemployed. Quite possibly unemployable (age discrimination is very real). But I have to give it a try. For myself and the people who love me.
All that being said! Looking for a way to support an artist? Buy their work! You can see my galleries and purchase work here.
I ask myself “what the fuck have you done” EVERY day and I haven’t even quit my job! I think they would miss me too much ;)
I guarantee a lot of people would miss you too much, Abbie!
It’s a big step, and it likely feels scary, but mental health too often gets short shrift these days. Good luck on those art grants! Getting even just one would help with the scared feelings.
Yes, I would feel somewhat justified if I get just one!
Sharon, I think that you took the right decision, and I congratulate you for that. Myself I’m in a worse situation, but I’m getting inspired by listening to this wonderful lady. It can take a little time, but I believe that it will finally come: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaw7fi-uWvo
It will be very interesting to see your project as it develops – and good luck with getting into the frame of mind and routine to achieve it!
Thank you, Steve! I have friend who is a professional grant writer and she helps to keep me line. She sends me a schedule every week!
The photos are nice. I wish I had the guts to quit my job.
Thank you! It took me a long time to work up the nerve. As of right now, I’m happy I did it.
I admire you. I lost my main job during the pandemic and I have not been able to find a similar position
Yes, I’m worried that might happen. But if this doesn’t work out and I have to go back to work, I will at least know that I tried.
I once got totally fed up with a cr@p job and quit – no plan, no big financial reserves. I didn’t work for 7 weeks, and felt tremendously better. Then I took another job that turned out to be a good one, and stayed there for 12 years.
It’s good to hear that! Most people only have horror stories about quitting their jobs. But I feel so much better, mentally and physically, it was worth it!
Send good vibes, you are awesome! I have a hard time getting up at 5:30 lol
Thank you!
Taking that first step towards playing w/o a net can be scary, but you seem to have plan – I jumped many years ago, andhave no regrets but it takes a mindset you’ve demonstrated & the discipline to carry thru
Yes. I only wish I had done it sooner!
Sounds like a huge step but it also sounds like you have control. Best of luck moving forward. Hopefully, if your project comes through you won’t have to go back to working for someone else.
BTW, I also love that bowl of blueberries.
Thanks, Bill! It’s scary, but I feel positive about! The blueberries are my one of my favorites, too!
Wishing you the very best.
Thank you!