I posted about my indecision on black and white vs. color photos. This blog is going to discuss when there is no question. It must be black and white.
A Good Night for Pizza
This image was taken at night in New York City. Often, images taken at night can have an odd color shift. This image had some pretty green tinges. Yes, I can color correct the image. But sometimes it creates other weirdness or I simply don’t like the image in color.
A good night for pizza in black and white A Good Night for Pizza with color correction A Good Night for Pizza with no correction
Waiting for the Train
This is another image that looks better as a black and white. The color just takes away from the subject of the image.
A lone person waiting across the platform on the metro ©Sharon Popek Waiting for the train in color
Avenue of Americas
The street sign for the Avenue of Americas looks better in black and white. The lights glow more. The color version just feels dull to me.
The street sign for the Avenue of the Americas with a street clock. The Avenue of Americas in New York City.
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Nicely done, I thought about doing this, now I don’t have to :)
You should do your own, Bill! I’d love to see it!
Very nicely done. I did this myself sometimes :)
Thank you, Tatiana!