Looking back on 2017, I realized that I didn’t set any goals for the year. I thought maybe that’s why I felt so much like I was just floundering about and not getting anywhere. So, I decided to set some goals and share them. These are simple, attainable, clear goals.
Create at least 1 training video
After attending Photoshop World in 2016, I have wanted to share my passion with others just starting out or anyone interested in my work and how I do things.

A composite map of Budapest with an antique map and a recent photo of the Budapest Parliament Building
Go to the beach
We used to go to the beach every year. I have not been to the beach in years. It is time. The ocean needs me.

18 and on the beach
Set up my studio / office properly
My office has been a catch all space and it is difficult to work there. I need a clean space for taking photos, writing, working on heavily Photoshopped pieces. A cluttered space does not help me work.
Feel free to share your own goals in the comments! You can also share the link to your blog.
I don’t have a blog, and as of recently no longer a current website. I’m on Facebook with a social Rlb page and an RLB author page, and an Amazon Profile Page for my 13 novels. My New Year’s resolution is to COMPLETE clearing my studio which has been a catch all for many years. THIS summer, I’ll be painting there instead of in my den!
Nicely done. I have similiar goals except for the making the video. I am giving up the cable box a just keep streaming in case I want to watch a movie.
Thanks, Bill! I gave up cable 2 years ago. I don’t miss it at all.
[…] you recall, one of my goals was to do a video showing my work process from beginning to end. This is not quite a video, but […]
[…] the winter, I struggle to find things to photograph. I was recently cleaning out my office, see my goals for 2018 and found these old cameras. They seemed like the perfect subject matter for a quick still life […]
[…] it’s important to be fluid and willing to change direction. So instead of completing my original goals, I found myself meeting goals I did not even know I […]