While recently browsing fun stuff on Etsy, I came across some listings for custom Apple Watch bands. What?! I had no idea you could change the band at all, let alone get a custom one. After more research, I found that I could sell them in my Society6 shop!
Trying it out
I ordered one of my favorite night image of Chicago. But I discovered that the band is so narrow, the image is not really obvious and of course, this image in particular is very dark. You can choose black, silver, or gold hardware. For this one, I chose black.

Try again
As much as I like that one, I wanted to try one that would be more colorful. I think the best images for the bands are colorful since it ends up looking more like an abstract. I chose silver hardware for this band.

But how to change it?
Changing the band is actually very easy. Also, this is a good time to give your watch a good cleaning. Get a q-tip and some denatured alcohol and clean those crevices! On the back of your watch, there are buttons on either side. Push that in and you can easily slide the band in and out.
Get one!
You can purchase watch bands of many of my images in my Society6 shop. You can see the whole collections of watches here.
Thanks for stopping by!
Very interesting! As you say, the images that work in such a narrow format as pretty unusual, but the ones you chose certainly do!
Thank you, Steve!